Thursday, February 19, 2009


The case of Nadya Suleman, the “octomom” who had eight children by in vitro fertilization adding to the six she already had, presents a clear warning sign indicating where our culture is headed if we continue on this present course to societal chaos and dysfunction.

God has a design for his human creation: First marriage, then children raised by a mother and a father, not by a village or government welfare. Unfortunately, Nadya’s case is slowly becoming more “normal.” In many communities across our nation young girls no longer associate child-bearing with marriage. They see these as two unrelated events, with the former being more desirable than the latter.

For the sake of generations to come we must do our best to support single parent families, while we work to re-establish the prominence of the natural family. Men must step up to the plate to provide loving leadership while we all reaffirm that children are a sacred gift from God for whom parents must be willing to sacrifice. God help us if we become a nation that sacrifices the children for the parents’ happiness. God help the next generation if we don’t turn things around.


Anonymous said...

Oh boy! I don't even know where to begin let alone if I should even begin.

Children in general NEED both parents. God didn't intend for children to be raised by single parents otherwise he would have made us as asexual beings.

The state needs to let her fend for herself and when she can't make ends meet (which is very likely), the state should take away her kids. It's unfortunate that taking the kids away would do more harm than good, however in the long term the children will be better off with two parents that can provide the needs a child requires. If she believes she can raise these children alone, then we should give her the opportunity and not simply take them away. HOWEVER, if she can't support them alone and needs OUR tax dollars to pay for her poor choice to have children, then she needs to have those children removed and placed with families that can provide for them.

I know this is a tough scenario on all kinds of levels (financial, emotional, spiritual, etc.) but if we as a people accept such behavior then we set the stage for irresponsible behavior for future generations. Young adults will have babies, by choice, assuming the government (tax payers) will provide financial support without realizing the long term repercussions which include huge deficits and a poorer economy in the long term as such behavior persists.

Remember, it's her choice that is setting the stage for irresponsible behavior. Everyone has events in life that are unplanned. In the case of Nadya she made the conscience choice to have more children well aware that the probability it would be more than one child was high. All the while not having a sound financial plan a couple planning a baby would anticipate.

Unknown said...

Right on Eric. What may be worse is if she did have a plan, and perhaps this wasn't irresponsibility but a deliberate plan to gain notoriety, knowing how our society elevates "wierdness." She may be more sinister than dumb, and we as a nation will reward that. Who is irresponsible now? I wonder.