Wednesday, February 11, 2009


The “stimulus” package the feds are about to execute reminds me of the story of the little boy who came home crying because he had fallen and torn a large hole on the kneecap area of his brand new jeans. He pleaded with his mother, “Please Mom, cut the hole out of my jeans so it won’t be there any more.”

Needless to say, cutting out the hole just creates a bigger hole, but alas, at least “we’ll be doing something!” For people who claim at least a minimal level of intelligence, this is a pretty dumb move.

All one has to do is to look at the facts, look at our history, and project out into the future to see that by every measure this is a loser. But then again, that presumes the ability to defer immediate gratification for a long-term good, which the present administration and Congress doesn’t seem to have the common sense to do. Goodbye prosperity; hello poverty. God help us, and God help the next generation.

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