Monday, June 27, 2011

Same-sex Marriage is Regressive

I’m tired of hearing same-sex marriage proponents pontificate about how “progressive” and “socially evolving” their actions were in legalizing same-sex marriage when their actions were, in fact, the exact opposite.

It’s clear that proponents of this “pseudo marriage” are either totally uneducated (or mis-educated), or at best, they are very short-sighted in their view of world history.

Marriage was, in fact, a progressive step upward toward civilization when it was introduced by Jewish Law to a pagan and hedonistic world. The introduction of marriage was one of the civilizing institutions that brought order, peace and prosperity by defining the family, providing protection for women and a sense of responsibility for children.

Redefining marriage to make it what it used to be is not progressive, but regressive; it’s not social evolution but social devolution.

Let truth be told, even if it bursts the good feelings of those who don’t know history. There’s nothing progressive about same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriage is a step backward to the days of pre-civilization. Remember Sodom?

Social scientist Lewis Mumford explained it this way;

"Unable to create a meaningful life for itself, the personality takes its own revenge: from the lower depths comes a regressive form of spontaneity: raw animality forms a counterpoise to the meaningless stimuli and the vicarious life to which the ordinary man is conditioned. Getting spiritual nourishment from this chaos of events, sensations, and devious interpretations is the equivalent of trying to pick through a garbage pile for food." -The Conduct of Life 1951


Steve C said...

A sad Day for New York We have Made one more Step Backwards as Bill has stated. We accept divorce, Living together(in sin)as normal already. this is one more step Backwards. Hopefully the good people in these districts will remember to boot out these senators when it comes time for re election( hopefully in the primary’s) where can we get a complete vote record?

Mrs. S. said...

Sunday June 26 edition of the Poughkeepsie Journal ran the complete voting record for NY state reps. My current Sen. (Saland) voted "yes" I'm sorry to say. My hometown (Elmira) Sen.voted "no" Hooray for upstate!

Anonymous said...

A complete vote record? Don't we need to know only those three Republicans who defected...namely McDonald, Grisanti and Saland? As far as I'm concenred this matter was decided upon by just those three...hardly majority rule.
Why do we keep electing ineffectual Republicans? The Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos should have kept this in committee and never brought it to the floor for a vote.

Anonymous said...

It saddens me mostly I think because the gift of marriage is a unity that brings healing. I have never met a homosexual with a healthy childhood and secure relationships growing up. They are hurt and wounded souls in need of God that are trapped and lost. I grieve because the damage can be healed and not left to festor and inflame. God loves us at our worst and is not willing that any perish. This search for equality is a hope for validation or acceptance that can't be found in the midst of sin. Society can't heal the deeper wounds. This is tragic to watch broken warriors fighting for their drug of choice and rejecting even further the truth that sets free. Not born that way... broken that way...

Unknown said...

Well put, especially the phrase you ended with: "not born that way...broken that way." Thank God we all have a healer for our brokenness who shows no favoritism.

Montreal flowers delivery said...

While a majority of Americans (58 percent) believe that homosexuality should be accepted by society, the American public is closely divided on the question of whether gays and lesbians should be allowed to marry legally. According to a recent study,46% of people oppose same-sex marriage and 45% support it. These divisions extend to both political parties.

toronto florist said...

Carmen Cardona, an 18-year Navy veteran who is disabled, is suing the federal government after Veterans Affairs (VA) denied her benefits because she is married to a woman.

Cardona told The New York Times that she should have been eligible for additional benefits after she married her partner last year, but the VA regional office in Hartford denied her application on the basis that a spouse is defined by the federal government as “a person of the opposite sex.”