Judge Susan Bolton’s decision on the Arizona law, S.B. 1070, and the way she came to it represents another clear example of government by the rule of situational ethics instead of the rule that has provided the most consistent and stable government the world has ever known -- the rule of law.
When the Federal Government chooses to look the other way when a law is intentionally ignored by government officers, as in the case of sanctuary cities, and then chooses to challenge government officers who choose to insure that federal laws are enforced as in the case of Arizona S.B. 1070, you know something is seriously “rotten in Denmark,”--actually, in D.C.
If we are no longer subordinate to the rule of law we will necessarily be subordinate to the rule of whoever is in the position of power. This is totalitarianism, tyranny.
Every freedom-loving American and legal immigrant citizen must be sure they are registered to vote this November and they must vote to replace the present regime in Washington with men and women who believe that God, the Constitution and the rule of law represent the Supreme authority in the land, not whimsical human feelings.
1 comment:
Charles Finney told us “In a country like ours politics is part of our religion…God will bless or curse this country according to the course Christians take in politics.”
Our Nation is not a democracy to be ruled by popular vote but a republic to be ruled by law - the Constitution established on Judeo-Christian principles being the foundation for all laws. Our forefathers were intelligent enough to separate the powers into Executive, Legislative, and Judicial to prevent the abuse of power. Our representatives need to be educated in the very fundamentals of our Republic as they appear to currently be representing a political party or a political agenda rather than the people that elected them. Outside Independence Hall when the Constitutional Convention of 1787 ended, Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it."
All I can say is pray for wisdom on Judgment Day, Nov 2, 2010.
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