Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Again, I found myself wanting to reach through the radio to strangle another commentator who was pontificating about the need to have a prenuptial agreement before marriage, citing the Tiger Woods incident as proof that you need to protect your own assets against predatory wives.

How far we have fallen when we think that the greatest transgression is marrying without a prenuptial agreement. What message are we sending to our young people? Are we saying that marriage won’t last so cover yourself for sure? Are we saying that you’ve got to look out for “number one?” Are we saying that marriage is no more than a business relationship? Well, apparently, these are precisely the messages we are sending when we forget that marriage is a sacred institution ordained by God to fulfill his purposes in the earth.

The problem is not the absence of a prenuptial contract, which is in fact, a pre-determined divorce- agreement. If marriage is reduced to a business contract –and it very well can be in this government “of the people”- then we will pass on to the next generation more social chaos and dysfunction than we have now! If you think the children of this generation are without vision or purpose, wait till the next!

We must not continue down this path of cultural narcissism where everyone just cares about themselves. But then again, it would be illogical to expect a culture without God to consider anything holy. So it must be up to the people of God, beginning with the clergy, to begin teaching the difference between the holy and the common (Leviticus 10:10). We must set the standard in our own marriages understanding that we are contagious. Others will catch what we have. They will be influenced by the way we esteem the holy institution of marriage. Let us be sure they are influenced in the right direction.

As we pray for Tiger Woods and his family, let us also be resolved to esteem even more highly the holy institution of marriage, beginning with our own, and impacting others around us, for His glory!


Motobu said...

My best friend Mitch once told me "People dont walk into a marriage planning on getting a divorce"....I always thought he was right,.....

A further aspect of the Tiger "situation", it came up for discussion at work. One co-worker stated "Well it's none of our buisness anyway".... so I chimed in "But is is"... if someone held Tiger accountable this whole thing could have been avoided ! If we as a society we hold each other accountable,....we would be afraid of losing face/honor among our family friends and neighbors and maybe a marriage/family would be saved.

Unknown said...

We are to be "our brother's keeper" aren't we?

song333 said...

as i see it there is a pre-nup agreement...its between the married couple and GOD...we hold fast to our covenant and become a three stranded cord that is not easily broken..ecc 4:12