Friday, August 14, 2009

H.R. 3200: Camel's Nose in the Tent

After looking at the text of H.R. 3200, the House of Representative’s Health Care Bill, it becomes quite apparent that this is nothing more -and nothing less- than the proverbial camel getting his nose in the tent; the camel being nationalized, single payer, government run and controlled health care. When the President says, “If you like your present plan, you can keep it.” He is being technically correct, but deceptive in intent. Sure, you can keep it for awhile, but the conditions of keeping your private plan over time are so restrictive that sooner or later everyone will be absorbed into the government “option,” until the camel is fully in the tent. Eventually it will be all camel and no tent!


Rosemarie said...

Bill, how right you are. My mother's adage was...if you give a pig some food at the foot of the table, pretty soon, it will be eating on top of the table. When it happens, nobody seems to know how it happened. It is just like sin. You open the door just a crack and pretty soon the door is wide open. We have to wake up before it is too late and learn the lessons of history.

Eric Rosario said...

Our government is being very deceptive with this health plan. I recently received an email in response to my email to the president voicing my objection to his plan. What I got was a bulleted email trying to refute each point the public is concerned about.

For example the government claims health care will not be rationed as those opposing the plan claim it will be. However, if anyone with sense pulls up the bill themselves you see clear as day that the bill uses the word "rationed" health care. And this is just one example where there are many areas were the bill lacks.

How can you tell me you will not ration health care yet you use the very word in the bill itself. Are our elected officials simply signing bills blindly? Hey, this effects the billions of people of this nation so how about you read the bill first before you sign it!

This is just another bill like the Patriot Act to give our government more control over our lives.

God help us!