Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Today, America takes yet another step downward toward the abyss of social chaos and national degradation with the California attempt to make holy matrimony a common social fraternity for anyone who would try to claim legitimacy in a sacred institution. Marriage was created by God to represent the fullness of His human creation in the union of a man and a woman. Since God is the One who created marriage, only He can redefine it, and He has not done so. Judges who would take it upon themselves to subvert the authority of God violate the basic tenets of their trade, as taught by founding father and originator of the American legal system James Wilson, that civil law must be consistent with divine law.

Today’s intellectual elites think it ignorance to associate national disasters with national sin. But our founding fathers thought differently:

George Mason, father of our Bill of Rights taught us:

As nations cannot be rewarded or punished in the next world, so they must be in this. By an inevitable chain of causes and effects, Providence punishes national sins by national calamities..

They understood that national calamity, poverty and war are instruments of God’s judgment for nations that disregard His rules of social order. According to the father of our country, George Washington:

“The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.”

God’s judgment on America is evidenced today in the high rate of divorce, broken families, wandering youth, record crime rates, and this is only the beginning. Our economy will continue to reverse the trend of prosperity, wars will increase, and natural disasters will accelerate in frequency and intensity. Unless we publicly reaffirm our Trust in God we will be just like the other countries of the earth that are steeped in poverty, violence and every kind of darkness -the normal state of this world. All one need do is to trace the travel of the Christianity and you will see the advancement of civilization, peace and prosperity.

We need leaders today who, rather than end their talks with the traditional “God Bless America” will begin their talks with, “We are one nation under God” and will then go on teach and model what it means to be a nation under God with liberty under God and a calling to be a light to a lost and dying world, as President Reagan’s”City on a Hill.”

Even Thomas Jefferson, one of the least religious of our founding fathers understood that:

”God who gave us life gave us liberty.”

And he challenges us with the question,

“… can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the Gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath?

Then he goes on to state the conclusion of the matter,

Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.”

God’s justice will not sleep forever. I cannot draw a direct correlation between one national sin and its particular consequence. That connection is made in the heavenlies beyond human perception. But I can tell you there is a correlation. Our God of mercy is also a God of justice, and his justice will not sleep forever.

We must be once again, one nation under God. Regardless of one’s religion or even one’s irreligion we must collectively acknowledge that God governs in the affairs of men and of nations, and we must once again strive to live a national life in accordance with God’s plan for his human creation as much as we can know and understand it.

We need leaders who will not be afraid to declare that we are one nation under God, and it is in God that we put our trust, not in human intellect or whim. Continue to take God and the Bible out of the national life of America, and you will continue to see national calamity. One doesn’t have to believe in gravity to fall off the end of a roof. One doesn’t have to believe in the laws of God to suffer the consequences of neglecting his rules for order.

Whether you believe in God or not, His laws of order, peace and prosperity will always prevail. Better to understand them and strive to live in a way that will bring the greatest blessing possible.

There’s always hope; we can change; yes we can.


Anonymous said...

I beg to differ with you on this blog topic.

First of all, it was Bush and Cheney who lied to the American people in order that they should go into this "War Against Terrorists" (you can substitute Muslims for Terrorists here). It was their firm belief in God and his divine hand resting on Bush's shoulders that allowed him to go forward and to declare and begin the unilateral strike (which is against international law and is seen as a "crime against peace"). For this act alone, Bush has the blood of over a million people on his hands. Buglosi, a "man of law," has found a way to charge Bush et al. with murder as well as to bring him to justice that would require the death penalty. So much for one "man of God."

Our economy also is not due to whether or not people who are gay are gaining the same rights as those who are not to express their dedication and devotion to one another. It is more the idea that people in our economy have taken advantage of those less educated in mortgages with new financial "products" that even the best attorneys cannot understand. It was the greed of those in the money markets that drove the economy of the US into the current state that it is in (at the level of the economy just prior to the depression, if not already in a depression). To add to this, there has not been any action taken to help the working poor to rise above their poverty. The current minimum wage is only $1000 above the poverty level for a family of four. Today, just to make ends meet, a worker must have 2.5 minimum wage jobs just to keep from becoming homeless. Further still, Henry Ford believed that in order for a person to have a good ob, he or she must be paid a living wage such that he or she is able to buy the very things that they produce. This has been lost to the average American over the past 30 years. This has been evidenced by the overall effect of the hurricane on New Orleans. It was this new "class" o the working poor who were most affected. Already poor and kept poor through American policies of racism and the need for corporate America to put the burden on the backs of the poor without proper compensation, the victims of Katrina who have and are suffering the most as this new "class" of the "working poor," are the ones who are less able to deal with the great losses that they suffered from. Furthermore, you can add that only the most wealthy made it through while stealing from the very funds that were supposed to be used to help BOTH the rich and poor alike. We should be ashamed of how our government handled Katrina as people are still sufferig there and will for years to come.

Another thing that I disagree with is that God established of marriage. Even today, marriage has never been seen by any government as a "religious" union that was endorsed only by God. Instead, the governments over time took money for listing the marriages (and to exert control through this) without taking religion into consideration. Instead, this was something that the citizens did in absentio of the state's ideas about marriage. Marriage existed long before Christ and even before Judaism. It goes all the way back to the Egyptians and the early Greeks. It goes even further back to the first cradle of civilization in Mespotamia as well as the very early Chinese. Marriage has been, since all societies were formed, a part of the social order. It was not for God that these people were married at all; instead, it was more for the state or for social order. It was a way to establish households for taxation purposes and to try to keep what existed of the family unit for survival. An organized and well-defended society was more capable of producing more children who would later provide the state with soldiers as well as women to continue the maintenance of that society for as long as it could. Like any business, societies also went bankrupt or collapsed under overtaxation, starvation, too many dead in war, lost territory as well as lost citizens as they became the spoils of the victors.

To believe as you do is only an excuse for discrimination. I am sure that God has better things to do than to count on the perceived "sins" wrought from love rather than from the hate that you strive to disseminate among your followers. I am also sure that Jesus would see the love that is there and would ask, "How can this be considered so evil when it is made out of love?" Remember, while he, himself, was a Jew, he was also a rebel who saw through most of this stuff and with far better understanding than you can bring forth on this issue.


Unknown said...

Anyse' comments are typical of the anti-Bush, anti-capitalism, anti-God and anti-liberty mis-education that has brain-washed (rather, brain- polluted) so many of our young people who have not been taught the truth about American history and the principles upon which our nation was founded. What they don't realize is that they are working to cut off the very branch they are sitting on.

Unknown said...


I was lucky to have a very good education. As a matter of fact, I, too, decry our current educational system for the lack of education in American as well as World history. It takes the likes of Howard Zinn and others to give us the "Voices of American History" as well as the truth about how America has moved from a nation of International peace to one of unilateral warmongering. Actually, has America EVER been a nation of peace unto itself, within its own territory? As we watched "Americans" (actually Brits, Germans, and Dutch - from the North and East; the French - from the North and South where are now Canada and Louisiana; and the Spanish and Portugese - from south of what is currently California, New Mexico, Arizona and Texas and from what is now Florida) move into "their new home," what was the expense in life, liberty and culture? This is NOT taught in our schools. Americans are, actually, as violent a people as any and are not immune to taking whatever they want whenever they want it and "everyone else be damned" along the way. Millions of Native Americans paid the greatest price for American expansionism. They were NOT "savages" in any sense of the word. They did try to protect their own homes from the people of the "Great White Leader" of the East and North and Middle South or the "Spanish Invaders" from the South up to the time of the accession of the Mexican-American territory from the Spanish in the 1800's. Furthermore, and of great interest to me, while the Russian-American Trade Company actually had moved as far south as the Russian River in California, they were not striving to take land and to keep it and, as a result, had a decent working relationship with Native Americans of Northern California, Oregon, Washington and all the way to the Aleuts of the Aleutian Islands.

There has not been ONE treaty between "Americans" and "Native Americans" that was either honest or honored. And, in the end, we have seen the ruin of Native Americans. I lived next to a reservation as a teenager and saw their poverty and their devastation as a people. One water spicket in the middle of the reservation was all that they had and there was a hot spring from which they got their hot water for bathing. This was in 1968! It is a shameful situation for people anywhere to have to live like this, especially those to whom are owed so much!

You decry my "lack of education." I knew much about the war in Viet Nam back in the day when it was part of our national policy to acquire this land as a "part of our protective interests" against the up and coming Chinese Nation (now determined to surpass the American economy in the next 25 years or less) and also to exploit "possible" off-shore oil reserves to feed the American need for more "energy" to fuel its growth. This war, as are the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (and soon to be included Iran), was immoral and was a "war of expansionism." Our current wars are also for "expansion" as well, but of a different nature. While "oil" reserves are already known, America is now seeking to enjoin itself (without the aid or assistance of other nations) in controlling all areas of the Middle East through added territorial control with its own bases, weapons (including nuclear) and in an "understood" collusion with Israel. While I do not welcome such shenanigans in the Middle East, I know that you do, for you see this all as another step toward the Apocalypse and the return of the Messiah.

You say that I am anti-Bush. Yes, I am. It is not a "religious" choice that I do not approve of his international and national policies. The "richest" nation in the world cannot win a war against an enemy so disorganized and so under supplied with military munitions. The "richest" nation in the world cannot take care of its own people in times of crises (the Katrina fiasco is STILL far from resolved). The "richest" nation in the world cannot increase the supply of gasoline as it has not been increased through the building of new refineries, of which not ONE has been built in the last 20 years (there is no way to really increase gas supplies to the public until this is done FIRST). The "richest" nation in the world has a greater infant mortality rate than many nations, including Cuba! The "richest" nation in the world has been asked by the Maliki government of Iraq to leave soon for it sees the US "occupation" antithetic to its own future. The "richest" and "most powerful" nation in the world has not won ANY war, since losing in Viet Nam, in which it has since been involved.

As to the "moral superiority" of the United States, it is NOT morally superior to very many nations at all. Read the "State Department" reports of many nations as to ow "safe" it is to travel in America, the level of crime, lack of health care for the poor, lack of proper food supplies for the poor, enslavement of the "working poor" who will NEVER rise up in economic standards, ingrained and systematic institutional actions of bigotry against Blacks and Mexicans in America as well as many other minority groups and on and on.

America has no monopoly on information! Truth actually exists beyond the borders of the U. S.

Now, I ask you Reverend, "What comprises education?" What should people know and NOT know as, for everything taught, there is something that is not taught. Time is limited and we need to be sure that, in the use of that time, we are able to leverage that time toward the "best and most important" information. As we know, history is written by those who win the wars or dominate the world (within their own sphere). I remember well in Russian textbooks that, when opened at all grade levels, it was written "Here is our Father, Stalin. Leader of the world!" with a nice picture approved by him as well! The Soviet Union ALSO won the war against Hitler and suffered even more losses and sacrifices than did the U. S. Almost one-third of all Russian men were killed from 1939-1945. Even today, as a result of that loss, there are still only 9 men for every 10 women. Did the former Soviet Union, as a victor, have as much a right to rewrite history as a "victor" (as did the U. S.)? You may say that "truth" is infallible; however, as you may argue regarding the Soviet Union, it is not there. Also, as I read the newspapers in England, Continental Europe, the Middle East, the Far East, Australia, South America, Central America, the United States, and Russia (in Russian), the truth is as fallible as (if not more so) anywhere else in the world, including in America. Governments lie for that is their nature!

While we are run more by the "corporations" of America, Americans usually say that they are actually "free." However, when they define "freedom," they don't know what that is at all! "I can go anywhere (not true). I can buy anything (not true). I can live wherever I please (not true). On and on. I can say whatever I want to (not true). I can write whatever I want to (not true). I can read whatever I want to (not true). I can watch any movie that I want to (not true). Again, on and on. NONE of this has ANYTHING to do with freedom! Read about the intense "gutting" of the constitution by our own government. Is this what people want? I would not think so. However, it has happened to numerous amendments as well as the "Bill of Rights." (I know that they are actually the first 10 amendments to the Constitution but others think that "these" are the most "fundamental" rights that we have as Americans.)

I have to ask, in general, what "rights" would people in America want to deny to any other citizens of this great country? Would they want a "national" religion? Would they want to "outlaw" any other religion in this country or limit the exercise of their faiths? Would anyone want to limit anyone's use of natural resources for their needs? (We need to do something along this route but I don't know what would be "best" for everyone.) Would anyone want to limit the press of any group in America and if so, based upon what criterion (or criteria)? What "freedoms" would anyone want to reduce of any other group of people in this country? I, myself, do not wish to limit the freedom(s) of anyone in this country at all. People can pray and have their own religion. (Even "snake charming" would be permitted as long as no one else is forced to do so against their own will!) People can have ANY political or social belief so long as they harm no one. (They can do self-flagellation for all I care.) Rules of free speech would be toward that which is not aimed to do harm or to offend. Also, even in terms of that which offends, a person should be able to just walk away and permit it among those who permit it! Courtesy is more wanted than outright rudeness. As you see, I am not striving to limit your activities or your beliefs and seek only honest debate.

Now, what am I missing in terms of honesty or even education here. I am neither brain-washed nor "brain-polluted." So, where have I gone "wrong" here as I do not see my views as neither of deceit or dishonesty. Nor do I see myself as part of any "group." I only see myself as a seeker of truth (educated as well as historical).

Unknown said...

Human nature is universal and man (and woman) is inherently self-centered. From a Christian or an evolutionary perspective man is naturally "sinful" or motivated by "self-preservation."
All of the injustices perpetrated on mankind by mankind have come from neglecting Christian principles, and in some cases from perverting them even by some who name the name of Christ.
But if man can be so evil with the Bible imagine how much worse he would be without it! Actually, we don't have to imagine. We only have to look to parts of the world and other cultures that have not had Christian influence, e.g., Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc.
I don't "welcome" anything that hurts anyone, but I am not surprised when they come, and yes, I have read the back of the book and I believe things will occur as they have been foretold. The Bible has a pretty good track record.

A country's strength is not in its wealth or in its military might, but in the character of its people.

The depravity of human nature is universal. There is no more or no less morality in any nation outside of genuine Christian love.

Governments are made of people. If the people have no moral character, neither can the government.

Absolute freedom is anarchy. We must all be governed by either an internal sense of right and wrong taught to us, or an external force of power, as our forefathers said, we will be ruled either by the Bible or the bayonet. John Adams told us that "our constitution was made only for a moral and a religious people; it is wholly inadequate to the governing of any other." Therefore, the liberty we speak about must always be liberty under God. That’s why our motto has always been historically related to one nation “under” God.
Anyse, I appreciate your honesty and your quest for truth. It appears to me that you have heard only one side. Though America, as a nation, has had its faults, it has also been the greatest force for good in human history. What would the world look like today if we had not defended Europe against Hitler, or Asia against Japan, or stood against Communism? With all our faults we have still been this world's last best hope.
I would simply suggest you balance your education with material from authors like, Bill Bennet, David Barton (www.wallbuilders.com) and others who emphasize the good we have done.

The truth is that every doughnut has a hole. If you only focus on the hole you will miss the doughnut.
Stay involved. Stay engaged. Keep pursuing Truth!
I appreciate you……God Bless!