Friday, June 24, 2011

Legalization of "Pseudo" Marriage.

Tonight the Republican State Senate legalized same-sex, “Pseudo” Marriage, further degrading social order and decency for the citizens of New York.

As an institute dedicated to the preservation of marriage and families for the well being our children and ensuing generations, we will double our efforts to right this wrong that has been imposed upon our citizens.

For the first time we find ourselves on the wrong side of the law, but when that law violates the higher moral law derived from the One who is the very source of our inalienable rights, then we must pledge our allegiance to that higher moral law, regardless of the personal cost.
Adoption of this Pseudo-Marriage is nothing less than rebellion toward God, who will not be mocked.

Despite protections for religious organizations this law will embolden the radical homosexual community to push Christians into the very closet homosexuals came out of.

This is certainly not the settlement of an issue, but rather the beginning of a new movement that will not rest until we are once again, “One Nation Under God,” and our laws once again reflect God’s order for his creation.


Anonymous said...

When the news blathered on about this "victory" I felt sick... While they continued showing the happy "couples", my heart was just in my throat about what wrath God might send as a sign of His disapproval. Conn. had a tornado after their concession to the debased. Mass. felt the same winds. We must contend for truth and right.

Anonymous said...

I was sickened last night when I heard the background shouts and the accolades from the "anchors". It is just so disturbing to my spirit. Like knowing your family may be subjected to shame or wrath.
The preceding states with similar legislation have had tornadoes. What will the consequence be for us if we do nothing to refute this abomination. I will not condone any such "psuedo" marriage. I will not acknowledge anyone who claims such a relationship as "married". Marriage was not formed as a human invention. God decides. Love the sinner as always, but not expressing the truth is not loving either. Be careful in your zeal first always to love.

Patti Lewis said...

Being a former resident of NY of the most liberal states, I have to say I am suprised that it took this long for the bill to pass.
I am sure that not every Christian will agree with me, but I do not think we can legislate morality. I am not saying that we shouldn't be active in politics or have a voice to stand up for what we believe to be right.
I believe that if we loved people, all people, gay or straight or Christian or nonChristian..then maybe, just maybe they would be drawn to us. They would see that there is something different about us and in turn be drawn to our Savior, then out of love for Him, want to follow His word. Not because a bunch of Christians were screaming and yelling, telling them they were going to hell if they don't change their ways..but because they felt loved and accepted.
I know when I was in sin, judgement did nothing for me. But what did draw me back,was that people loved me in my sin and that is what spoke to my heart,one act of love at a time.
Bill, Christians will only be pushed into the closet if we allow that to happen. I also have to disagree that all homosexuals are radical..Many are just people who are trying to live their lives..trying to find their ways in a fallen world..just like you and me.
I also think that as Christians we lose credibility when it comes to marriage when our divorce rate in the church is as high or higher than in the secular world. Maybe with all this talk about marriage we need to take a look at our own and where we are failing.
Kudos to Bill and Penny for Marriage Savers. They will never know how much they mean to us or the impact they have had on our marriage. They were there for us during a dark time..they are loved and appreciated (Bill, even if we don't always see eye to eye!)
Just my thoughts!

Rand Miller said...

Yes, we are to care for and show compassion for those who are gay, as well as alcoholics and criminals, etc, but we are not to condone alcoholism, gay lifestyle, criminal behavior. Our country was founded on judeo-Christian principles, we need to uphold them. The Bible is clear on this Gay topic, there is a right and a clear wrong, we need to reteach America the reliability of Gods Word. It is Truth. It is apparent that the majority of representatives in NY don't know or live by these principles. that is why we need to elect those who will. We need to wake up the Christian base that is silent. Thanks Bill. My prayers are with you.

MSignor83 said...

I am with you Herman. When I woke up Saturday morning, I felt so sick in my stomach as I read about this so called "marriage" and yet at the same time I was fighting tears. The Lord IS NOT pleased and we as Christians need to peaceably stand for God's Word and pray against this obamanation/abomination! We need to contact our local politicians and tell them how displeased we are with them and their very poor and inconsiderate decisions. And I refuse to just stand by and let this gay community push Christians into the closet they came out of (as Bill stated).
I fear that by the time my daughter (and the rest of the future generation)is in school, she/they will be so numb to it because the society has made it the "norm". But I, and we as Christians, cannot take God out of the equation, He is still well and far more able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than I/we could ever ask for!

Sorry for rambling on here, I am so just overcome with anger and rage at the sight and sound of this "Pseudo marriage". What is their next plan, making traditional marriage illegal? UGH!

Lord, help me to show Your love, and represent all that you are, because in my own power, I am so hurt and ready to go "Italian" and start a "hands-on" ministry! I need your strength, and guidance to speak the truth in Love. Help me to control my tongue, and only speak the very words You give me! AMEN!


MSignor83 said...

Bill, I wrote a whole bunch, and when I went to post it, it disappeared. BUT it was probably just my flesh speaking anyways. In a nutshell, my heart is just broken and overcome with fear and anger. And I agree with Herman, I am just so sickened by it all and yet fighting tears at the same time because our future generation is going to face the effects of these inconsiderate politicians! UGh, I just want to go start a "hand-on" ministry, lol!


Unknown said...

I am in essential agreement with Patti except that I believe it is important for Christians to share the biblical view on homosexuality, and in this instance on gay marriage. I in no way want to condemn gays or lesbians - but I do condemn homosexuality as a lifestyle. We all are caught up in sin, and if God were to give me what I deserve for how I have lived my life in the past - and even today when I slip! - I should be like a smushed bug. I have spoken out against gay marriage and will continue to do so, even if misunderstood by some as to my motives. My motives are simply to warn our society against going against God's will for humanity.

Anonymous said...

I find it comical how people like to blame Obama for everything that goes wrong in government, but anyway I think it sucks that same sex marriage is legal. hey this just means we as christians must work harder displaying our light, rather than harboring quiet hate for gays.

Gmann said...

Concerning Patti Lewis: Since the Supreme Court has ruled that sexual practices between consenting adults is a constitutional right based on the right to privacy, I think that what Patti might be missing is that same sex marriage is not really a question of legislating morality (although morality is indeed legislated by many of our laws): rather it is a question of changing an institution, marriage, that has always been viewed as a "self evident" truth by every society, as that which is designed for a man and woman for 6000 years of human history. It should be noted that even cultures that included homosexuality in their religious rituals and worship or practiced pederasty found it to be "self evidently" true for marriage to be reserved for a man to a woman. Although it is true that same sex emotional and sexual attractions are as genuine or real to those who live the Gay life style as it is for those who are hetero-sexuals, to claim such attractions to the same sex in and of themselves should compel the State to sanction marriage between same sex couples is misguided to say the least. The
implications of granting rights based upon human desires without a moral frame of reference should be frightening: for such reasoning has declared the killing of humans in the womb (at one time even those partially born) and even the production and viewing of
virtual child pornography as rights supported by the Constitution. George Civile