Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Obama Pours Salt in America's Wound

President Barack Obama’s recent behavior concerning the building of a mosque near the sight of the World Trade Center attack gives us further insight into the very core values of this first un-American American President.

First of all, he honored the Muslim religion by hosting a Ramadan dinner at the White House where he emphasized their legal right to build a mosque at the site of the World Trade Center attack by Islamofascists, while choosing to be silent on the “wisdom” of such a decision, thus leaving the scales tipped in favor of building the mosque. This is nothing less than pouring salt into a national wound from which we are still healing.

Mayor Bloomberg and others who favor building the mosque ostensibly to show that we are better than Islamic countries, because we tolerate their religion while they outlaw ours, reveals a critical near-sighted ignorance of the religion of Islam. The world-wide Islamic community will see this, not as a statement of American tolerance, but rather as American weakness, and Islamic supremacy.

And finally, we must correct the record concerning the idea that our founders regarded all religions equally. The Judiciary Committee Report of 1854 answered the question: “What is the establishment of Religion?” Their answer:

“At the time of the adoption of the Constitution the general sentiment was that general Christianity should be encouraged but not any one sect.”

Remember Give-me-liberty-or-give-me-death Patrick Henry? He said,

“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ; for this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom to worship here.” (Emphasis mine)

It’s clear our founders believed that the principles of general Christianity were superior to those of other world religions, and that Christian principles would allow the greatest amount of liberty, peace and prosperity possible. I think a quick survey of world cultures would affirm that belief.

So, Constitutional rights notwithstanding, we must defend and promote those American values that have produced the greatest nation in the world or we will lose it. It must begin by replacing those in leadership who do not share traditional American values, including President Obama, as I see it, the first un-American American President.


Anonymous said...

The next election can't come soon enough. The past few years have been so traumatic for this country.

MSignor said...

I could not agree with you more. I have tried to explain this concept (our original founders stating freedom of religion) and have never been good with words to explain it clearly. I will have to send this link to them as this is pretty clear without big words, lol. So thank you Bill. And may our Savior give us the strength we need to be bold in such a time as this. The church needs to SPEAK UP and stop shutting up or shutting out. We need to look beyond "race" as a good reason for a black president. I dont care what color our president is, but what matters is where his heart is/stands! How can we have an "American President" who hates our country, cant salute our flag, has to apologize for our country (WHEN WE'RE NOT EVEN SORRY!), and doesnt want to offend other nations! HELLO... THAT IS PART OF LEADERSHIP!!! Ugh.. I feel my blood pressure rising. LORD HELP US return the great nation we once were. Open our eyes, and help us discern true right and wrongs and to not be deceived by this many who speaks with great deception!


MSignor said...

Yeah... had a few typos earlier, sorry. I meant: "LORD HELP US return to the great nation we once were." (Last I cant checked you cant "return" a nation, lol). AND I meant "(Lord)Open our eyes, and help us discern true right and wrongs and to not be deceived by this man who speaks with great deception! "

JW said...

Mr Obama said when first elected that "change is coming to America" well he did not lie but I bet those who voted for him did not think that change would include socialism and islam.

One good thing is coming out of the mosque debate and that is the world is finding out just what islam is all about, and what sharia law is. I had no idea of the intolerance and the lack of mercy that it has. It is not from Jesus Christ that is sure.

JW said...

When Mr Obama was first elected he said that "change is coming to america" well he did not lie but I bet those who voted for him did not think that change would include socialism and Islam!

One good thing is coming out of the mosque debate and that is the world is finding out what islam and sharia law are all about. I had no idea of the intolerance and lack of mercy that sharia law encompasses, it is definitely not from the Lord Jesus Christ who forgave the woman who committed adultery and told her to sin no more, he told those about to stone her "he who is without sin cast the first stone" and they walked away. These people are still stoning women and occasionally men to death to this day!

Anonymous said...

The bible says that we should pray for our leaders. Not sit back and criticize while sitting in our glass houses. I am disappointed that so called Christians sit around and write these posts. Read Romans 13: 1-7 and 1Peter 2:13-17.

Unknown said...

We pray for our President and his family daily.

Anonymous said...

When Obama, campaigned and early on as President he did not wear a flag pin, nor salute the American flag,and when questioned it was reported that his response was, “it might offend someone.” (recently he has been seen wearing the pin – so pressuring him has results)

“The O” did not take part in the National Day of Prayer at the White House; his response was the same, “It might offend some people.”

Who is (was?) he afraid of offending, Muslims? !!

Recently it was reported that he both had, and took part in, a Ramadan celebration at the White House.

Who was he afraid of offending then? Christians? Nah…

Why? Could it be that Christians have played the defensive part for so long that they don’t know how to play offensive safely? Ditto for Republicans? The nomination of Kegan should have followed the pattern of the hearings set with the Bork nomination and the Clarenence Thomas nomination. Republicans didn’t properly go on the attack. Wrong!

We could take some lessons from the homosexuals – who claim ‘hatred’ and ‘offense’, and do so often and loudly.

We could take some lessons from the liberals who don’t want to see Manger scenes at Christmas, who only want ‘holiday songs’ but no Christmas carols sung in school.

We could be claiming ‘equal offense’. We should prove that partiality for others is becoming unbalanced. No Mosque unless they build a similar one for Christians, and a similar one for Jews. This is the very thinking that is said is being used regarding right wing broadcasts. Use the leftist thinking back on the leftists.

WE ARE OFFENDED at Muslims worshipping in streets of NYC, to the point that traffic is stopped or re-routed. (see it on the inter-net). If no crèche is allowed on Government lawns – then no worshipping allah in government streets or government property, or The White House. Public areas must remain neutral. “Someone might be offended,’ to quote the “O”.

If this great offense to neutrality is not properly registered, loud and long, Americans will soon be seen as stupid, not just weak, but stupid and gullible, if not already.

Christianity is not a door-mat religion. When I became a Christian I was given the ability to say NO to a lot of things, just as others are given that ability. It is time we started using that ability more and more.

Christians should be smart enough to see what works, and to start using it. Call it ‘playing by their rules’. The O doesn’t want to offend anyone? WELL, WE ARE GREATLY OFFENDED Mr. “O”.

Anonymous said...

When Obama, campaigned and early on as President he did not wear a flag pin, nor salute the American flag,and when questioned it was reported that his response was, “it might offend someone.” (recently he has been seen wearing the pin – so pressuring him has results)

“The O” did not take part in the National Day of Prayer at the White House; his response was the same, “It might offend some people.”

Who is (was?) he afraid of offending, Muslims? !!

Recently it was reported that he both had, and took part in, a Ramadan celebration at the White House.

Who was he afraid of offending then? Christians? Nah…

Why? Could it be that Christians have played the defensive part for so long that they don’t know how to play offensive safely? Ditto for Republicans? The nomination of Kegan should have followed the pattern of the hearings set with the Bork nomination and the Clarenence Thomas nomination. Republicans didn’t properly go on the attack. Wrong!

We could take some lessons from the homosexuals – who claim ‘hatred’ and ‘offense’, and do so often and loudly.

We could take some lessons from the liberals who don’t want to see Manger scenes at Christmas, who only want ‘holiday songs’ but no Christmas carols sung in school.

We could be claiming ‘equal offense’. We should prove that partiality for others is becoming unbalanced. No Mosque unless they build a similar one for Christians, and a similar one for Jews. This is the very thinking that is said is being used regarding right wing broadcasts. Use the leftist thinking back on the leftists.

WE ARE OFFENDED at Muslims worshipping in streets of NYC, to the point that traffic is stopped or re-routed. (see it on the inter-net). If no crèche is allowed on Government lawns – then no worshipping allah in government streets or government property, or The White House. Public areas must remain neutral. “Someone might be offended,’ to quote the “O”.

If this great offense to neutrality is not properly registered, loud and long, Americans will soon be seen as stupid, not just weak, but stupid and gullible, if not already.

Christianity is not a door-mat religion. When I became a Christian I was given the ability to say NO to a lot of things, just as others are given that ability. It is time we started using that ability more and more.

Christians should be smart enough to see what works, and to start using it. Call it ‘playing by their rules’. The O doesn’t want to offend anyone? WELL, WE ARE GREATLY OFFENDED Mr. “O”.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the 8/18 post 9:36am from anonymous!

Jesus calls us to be:

"wise as serpents and harmless as doves"

so we are 'harmless as doves, and wise as doves'.

Serpents take down their prey by 'putting the squeeze on'.

Seems to me, annonymous is right. We need to exercise our 'rattlers'. Perhaps it is time for Christians to 'put the squeeze on'.

Let's all get more vocal and rattle more. We are to be harmless as doves but wise as serpents. perhaps we need to study the wisdom of serpents?

After all, Jesus seems to tell us to do just that.

Let's rattle some cages!

JW said...

When Jesus saw injustice in the temple he violently through over the money changers tables and said my house will be a house of prayer, so we cannot just sit back and passively allow the enemy to intimidate the Christians and get upset with us when we stand up for our rights. We must and do pray but we do have a voice and must use it against those who want to take over the Christian Heritage this country was founded upon.

I do not know who criticizes from glass houses but are we to remain silent when our so called leaders are leading down the wrong path? Many good Germans said nothing and allowed Hitler to slaughter 6 million Jews and many Christians also. Anti Christian and anti Semitism is raising its ugly head and we better cut it off!