During President Obama’s speech to a union audience on Labor Day, he put great emphasis on an experience he had early in his campaign where a lady just kept saying “Fired up; ready to go!” at one of his campaign stops. He ended his speech with that chant as the audience joined him.
This illustrates clearly how Obama appeals to the emotions of people who have little or no knowledge of the principles that impact national prosperity. Unfortunately, the American populous has been “dumbed down” over the years. Today an average American is more likely to be an authority on American idol contestants, or major league baseball statistics than they would be on the issues affecting our liberties and prosperity.
The recent activities at local town hall meetings are the result of citizens no longer taking for granted the idea that their congressional representatives will act in their best interest preserving traditional American values. Now citizens are studying the issues themselves. They are looking into the guiding philosophies of government being expressed by their representatives, and where they see those philosophies working against liberty they are raising objections, and rightly so.
The liberal left has overplayed its hand. They act as though they know what’s best for the masses, and they truly believe they are justified in going against the wishes of the people they were hired to represent, because they know better. They believe their role is to be more that of a parent than a representative.
Unfortunately, President Obama enjoys a cult-like following of people who wouldn’t dare think about questioning his policies. They have been dumbed down. Those who follow Obama must be either educated committed socialists or uneducated “groupies.” It must be one or the other.
Whether America continues to enjoy the peace and prosperity that we have inherited from our forbears or we enter into a new age of deprivation and servitude will be determined by “we the people.” If citizens will study the issues in light of the principles that have produced the greatest nation on the face of the earth we may yet redeem our culture for the next generation. If, on the other hand, we remain complacent and allow the socialist ideologues to rule a dumbed down electorate we will be, at best, like other nations of the world, thus forfeiting our exceptionalism, and at worst, we may see an unimaginable tragedy passed on to the next generation.
This is a time for courageous leaders to rise up and teach America about American principles and values rooted in Biblical principles. We must necessarily be as President Reagan told us either “one nation under God or we will be one nation gone under.”
This is the time for the clergy to rise up and even “get political.” Government is a stewardship for which we will be held accountable. We dare not face God with the excuse that “we didn’t want to get political” or “our deacon board would be upset if I talked about politics.”
“Rise up, O Men of God” and preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ first. Then teach the difference between the holy and the common, and possess the gates of the enemy, so that our children will grow up in the same land “under God” that we did.
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Man or woman we need to now begin to step back and take a sober look at where we are going as people, as families and as a nation.
If we are not daily pleasing our God, then who are we living for?
If we cannot see ourselves taking a step back to take sober judgement of where we are personally to start then the only conclusion I can surmise of such people is that they are off following the pied piper who makes them feel good all the time. The feel good all the time keeps them from reality.
God put out brains above our hearts, people of this nation need to use the brain God fearfully and wonderfully made for each of us. We are all individuals and don't have to agree with everything all the time.
The thing we need to do is to please God by loving Him with all our heart and all our soul and all our mind and love our neighbor as our self. This loving however, does not mean we become doormats for others.
"Revival comes from heaven when heroic souls enter the conflict determined to win or die-or if need be, to win and die! "The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force." Charles Finney
We must choose whom we will serve - God or Baal. Either we are willing to lay down our lives for what is His truth or we will WEEP what is being sowed by this administration. If not me who? - If not now when?
Bill, I don't know what to say about your post except that there is nothing especially Christian about it. It is informed more by Americanism and fear produced through right wing republican ideology than Christ, his gospel or his love. If we turned off our Limbaugh and Fox, and opened the gospels we might see some truth that will set us free. We need to focus on the 2 great commandments and if we just majored on them there might actually be hope. As long as we Christians continue to allow the "gospel" of the religious right, which is no gospel at all, inform our thinking we will continue to fall short of Christ's command to love.
The comments made by Keith demonstrate my point. He doesn't know what to say about my post -he can't debate the merits- so he goes on to demagogue the issue bringing in Republicans, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, though I never mentioned any one of these, How about an honest debate on the issues. Oh yes, you may have to study a little.
Bill I planned on using the word demogouge to in my response, but I was to lazy to look up how to spell it right. Just a lazy dumb American I guess.
Anyway, I will see about addressing each point if you like in a later response, but the issues I have are at the base of how we as Christians think.. Do we think as a Christian, or as a believer in religious right Americanism (RRA)? Do we critically look at our assumptions, or do we just go with the flow or other believers in RRA? Do we allow fear to motivate us, or reasoned faith in Christ and his word. The gospel is a gospel of of freedom for the poor and oppressed. It is the gospel of a tortured man and his ressurection. It is not a gospel of power or capitalism (or socialism), or American exceptionalism. My exception to your post is at its base, core assumptions ... is it gospel inspired or americanism inspired?
It is my heart's desire to say, think or do nothing unless it is a product of my abiding life in Christ. I identify with nothing but Jesus. My guide for life is the Bible; my power for living is the Holy Spirit.
One of the basic principles of giving have to do with a willing heart, and for this reason government coercion is inconsistent with Christian charity.
That’s why the answer must be through philanthropical efforts of people who freely give to help their neighbors. It’s not about the strong vs. the weak of the rich vs. the poor. God looks upon the heart. Any system that forces people to pay for others is based in law, not grace, which is what the Gospel of Jesus is all about.
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